Planned extraordinary parliamentary elections in Sweden, 22 March 2015

After the Government failed to pass the budget in Parliament, the Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, has announced that the Government plans to hold an extra election on March 22, 2015.  Extra elections will be carried out in the same way as the general elections but with a shorter time-frame.  Voting abroad can begin at the earliest on the 20th day before the scheduled election, which falls on March 2, 2015. More concrete and practical information regarding voting at the Consulate will follow when an official decision has been made on the election date by the Government.

We are happy to announce that the Mobile Passport Station will visit the Consulate in Kirkland on May 4-7th 2015

The station enables Swedish citizens to apply for passports at a number of Swedish Consulates, however the number of applications is limited so make sure to book an appointment well in advance.To book an appointment at the Consulate in Kirkland we need you to complete the bullet points below for each individual applicant and paste them into an email addressed to
First name (tilltalsnamn och förnamn):
Middle name
(om två efternamn):
Last name:
Swedish person number/coordination number:
Phone number:
State preferred date of appointment
(May 4-7th 2015):
State preferred time of appointment
(AM /PM):
Please specify if the applicant have a visa, green card or dual citizenship and if this is a first time passport:
We will do our best to make this as convenient as possible for all applicants but please keep in mind that you are not booked until you receive a confirmation email from us that confirms your appointment. Note that this email is not an automatic reply – it will be sent to you as soon as we are setting up the schedule for all appointments.

Click on HERE to read what you need to bring in order to renew your passport or make a first time passport. The cost of the passport and the fees that applies can be found right HERE.

Summary – Emergency Preparedness, October 23rd 2014

First out was SWEA member Suzanne Elshult and her rescue dog Keb. Suzanne showed us a capturing movie of the search and rescue mission in Oso, WA. Suzanne and Keb were an integral part of the mission together with her fellow volunteers from Snohomish County Search and Rescue.

Stefan Kinnestrand told us about volunteering for Seattle Mountain Rescue, King County. He underlined the importance of being well prepared when going out hiking – this could be by always letting someone know where you are going and be sure to wear weather appropriate clothing.

A volunteer joined us from the local Red Cross. He talked about the importance of having survival kits at home and in your vehicles. This also entails copies of important documents and further the Red Cross advises every home to have supplies to survive for up to 14 days in isolation. Consul Lars Jonsson presented the Consulate’s cooperation with the Red Cross in case of emergency and underlined the importance of efficient communication within the Swedish network in WA and OR.

Last but not least SACC-Seattle’s Jakob Sjöberg and John Macpherson, Water Treatment Specialists at UMC, showed us how to create clean drinking water. The kit that they demonstrated is the result of their latest research and is one of the most efficient methods on the market right now. To learn more about the kit or to order one, please email Jakob Sjöberg (